Day 10 – Acrophobia

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 NIV

Taking on the task of climbing your mountain might come with its own backpack filled with doubts and fears. Acrophobia describes an intense fear of heights that can cause significant anxiety and panic. It is classified as one of twelve most common phobias in the world as a result of a mental response towards an object or situation. Let me explain the jargon: a phobia, like the fear of heights, is a reaction of your mind toward something before it happens or not even going to happen at all. You think you are afraid before you are facing the situation.

We choose not to climb our mountains out of fear that something might go wrong before we have even taken the first step. Or you might be halfway through the climb and as you look down to see how far you have come, you are overcome with panicky fear of heights and cannot continue.

A Kingdom mindset knows that whatever we face – fear, phobia, or doubt – God is with us and will strengthen and uphold us to reach our destination. Friend, I know it is scary to climb your mountain and that what you fear is very real to you. But today I would like to share the Truth of God’s Word: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.” Climb your mountain, even if you do it afraid.

Prayer: Father, I know that I back down a mountain because of fears in my mind contradicting the Truth of Your Word. My prayer today is that You will strengthen my friend reading this and the peaceful knowledge to know that You are there because You are God. Teach us to understand and overcome our fears according to Your Word. Amen.

Written by Pastor Iriza for

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