Day 8 – I am HUMBLE

One can truly tell that we are living in the last days when people are lovers of self and loveless. People live with an attitude of entitlement and they only care about what good they can benefit from in a situation. People these days consider if I help you…what’s in it for me? Basically, a one-hand-wash-the-other mentality.

But God teaches us to be different in Philippians 2:3-4, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look not to his interests, but rather to the interests of others.”

Humility is the opposite of entitlement and pride. It is putting your needs and wants second to those of others, sacrificing for the love of others.

After washing the disciple’s feet Jesus didn’t expect anything in return from them, but continued even after washing their feet, to die on the cross for their sins. Jesus sacrificed His life for the love of sinners.

Jesus is our example of being humble. Instead of asking what He could get out of dying for a sinful world, He was thinking of what more He could give us.

Humility always comes with a price, giving up our fleshly desires to help someone else by putting them first. Humility also always comes with a reward according to James 4:10 reads: “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”

Thank You, Jesus, for being the best example of being humble, and teach us to live more like You every day by putting others first.

Love, Suenette Nel