Day 16 – You count my days

“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” Psalm 139:16 NLT
I thought about this verse for a while wondering what God was telling me about every day of my life being recorded in His book. I can pinpoint certain days in my life that will never make the “highlight reel” of my life story. Those were dark days when I felt alone, emotionally abused, and uncertain of why exactly I was created. Days I thought there would be no outcome and that God had completely forgotten about this little freckled, unhappy child of His.
As I was delving through my mind, paging through days I wondered why God placed them there, I realized something that changed my view about any day. Good or bad. When God created our world as accounted in Genesis, it is repeatedly mentioned that what He created on that day was good. I, in my humanity, have no right to look at days past and say they were bad because everything created in every day was (and is) good. It’s my attitude, my own wrong choices, and external attacks that made me feel that those were bad days. The truth is, if some of those days had not happened, I might have been on an entirely different life path heading for hell instead of eternity with my Father. Yes… those days He already recorded (and those to come) are good.
Let’s pray: Father, I do not always understand why days in my life are like they are, but I know that You created each day and everything in it is good. Open my eyes to see my sin and stubborn will causing the consequences of things happening tainting the good days as bad ones. Thank You that I can have faith in Your Word saying that You will turn this around for those who love You. Please forgive me for thinking that You are the author of bad days in my life. Thank You for creating my days good and that You see them important enough to record each one. Amen.

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