Day 15 – You wove me
“You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.” Psalm 139:15 NLT
David uses the phrase “utter seclusion” to refer to any mysterious, unseen place. The miracle of a baby forming in a mother’s womb has always been unseen and mysterious to the human eye. This verse deepens the mystery with the Hebrew word “Râqam” for the translation of “woven together”.
The root meaning of Râqam means to embroider. A very creative Grandmother taught me needlework. This is not a fast process, and you sit for hours pushing the needle through the tightly strung cloth. Turning your needle and yarn in different directions to make beautiful stitch patterns colouring the pattern you are making. God weaves us – carefully embroidering every piece of us together where no man can see the splendour of His works until the time He chooses for us to take our first breath.
Beloved, you too are skillfully embroidered in a secluded place where God chose to weave you together just the way you are. A loving process where it was just you and Him – and even though you cannot remember it, He does and your soul does too. Give thanks today for how God skillfully, lovingly, and carefully He embroidered you together.
Let’s pray: Father, I thank You that I am such a special and chosen child that You took the time to put me together where no man can see. You are the only one who sees my heart beating in the seclusion of my chest too and You know my thoughts and still choose to love me and create me. Amen.
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