Day 20 – Where is my cross?
“Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Luke 9:23
Us mommies know that crosses come in different sizes and weight ratios. And, explaining this concept to a toddler can be a cross all on its own. My youngest wanted to know where her cross is then. Why doesn’t she have a cross like Jesus?
So, feeling she was not going to relent, I gave her a small wooden cross I harbored in my craft box. She carried it everywhere and with a proud little voice told everyone it is her Jesus cross. When I think back on this memory, I wonder how many of us desire to follow Jesus that we would take up a physical cross?
My prayer is that our children will learn the value of what it means to take up their daily cross. To understand that denying themselves is to put Jesus first in every step they take. When they think their cross is too big or heavy to bear, always look to Jesus and know that He has given His life for them too and that anything they face should be seen from the victory of Christ.
Prayer: Father, I thank You for the small crosses and those so big I cannot carry them alone. Please help me to set an example to my children of how to carry my daily cross with my focus on Jesus. Teach our children the understanding of denying themselves and the strength to follow Jesus. Amen.
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