Day 17 – You have precious thoughts about me

“How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!” Psalm 139:17

God loves you and His thoughts about you are endlessly precious. You are His creation, His child, and His reason for doing what He does. The question is, do we believe that God’s thoughts about us are this precious or do we think God is like a registrar recording every misstep we take? Are my thoughts about as precious as His is about mine?

But these aren’t mere words written by a poet and recorded in a book. God proved His endless, undeniable love for you through the life of His Only Son, Jesus Christ. God knew that sin would cause a rift deeper than the Mariana Trench between Him and us and that the selfless sacrifice of unconditional love which can only come from Heaven would be needed to secure our eternity with Him. Even though the ugly of sin taints our souls, God’s thoughts about us are still precious and offer us salvation and complete forgiveness through Jesus Christ our Savior.

Beloved, I know what shame and guilt do to keep you from God and it changes your perspective to think that God does not really care about you (nonetheless love this sinner) and He cannot wait to pour out His wrath on me. This is so far from the truth and lies the enemy loves to weave into our thoughts. So, today, think about what precious thoughts God has about you and what precious thoughts you have about Him. Accept and thank Jesus for the price He paid to rescue you from the bondage of your sins and love Him for it.

Let’s pray: Father, thank You that I can be assured that Your thoughts towards me are precious and the sum of them is so great! Thank You Jesus for the ultimate sacrifice of Your life so You can save me and love me. And while You were on that cross, You had me in mind too. I am eternally grateful King of Kings and cannot wait to meet You face to face. Amen.