Day 1 – A life lived in wisdom

Proverbs 1:7  “The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning and principal and choice part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; but fools despise skilful and godly Wisdom, instruction and discipline.” 

Life is meant to be lived wisely, with integrity and discernment. At creation, God imparted in man the ability to choose. We may wonder why we were given our own will since God knew that this world would be ruled by evil, and living in this world, it is impossible to always make the right choice. He gave us our own will so that we could love Him and choose to accept His grace and have a relationship with Him. So how can I know if I am choosing my path wisely?

God provided us with a Book by which to live. This Book is life; it was written by men and women who were inspired by His Holy Spirit. It contains truth, gives light, provides direction, and the keys to unlock wisdom and insight for all affairs of life.

What we need to live a successful life, is wisdom. And there is ample to be found! It is ours for the taking. Where can we find it? It begins with the fear of God; in choosing to not only read the Word but also to follow its instructions, because it is bursting with wisdom.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, in You is life, You are Truth, You are Wisdom personified in Your Son. Thank you for hiding Your gems of wisdom in Your Word, the Bible, for me to find. Please give me the desire to search and dig until I find these treasures of wisdom. Amen.

Let us pray with you