Day 4 – Genesis: Story of Adam
Reading: Genesis 2:4 to Genesis 5:32
“Then the Lord formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person” Genesis 2:7 NLT
It’s hard to imagine being the first and only person on earth. It’s one thing for us to be lonely, it was another for Adam, who had never known another human. God saw that it was not good for him to be alone (the only time in the whole of creation when something was not good to God – man being alone). From Adam’s side (or rib) God created a helper. Their union was a complete, innocent, open oneness, without a hint of shame.
I imagine the first conversations with his delightful new companion, Eve, must have been about their home, the Garden of Eden. Adam already had complete freedom, with the responsibility to tend and care for it. From the recorded conversation between Eve and the serpent, it is evident she knew about the warning concerning the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, yet she was deceived and ate. At that moment, the fate of creation was on the line and sadly, Adam didn’t pause to consider the consequences when he ate too. In a moment of rebellion, something beautiful and free was shattered, and man was separated from God.
I often wondered what it would’ve been like if they never ate from the tree… The reality is that we would never have known or realised how desperately we are dependent on God. God gave us free will and choosing Jesus as our salvation is a daily choice made from the heart.
Share with us what Adam’s story means to you.
Prayer: Father, thank You for the account of Adam and Eve. Your Word is so vast, and it doesn’t matter how many times I read this story, You always show me something new about Creation. Thank You, Lord, that through it all, we know that we need You. May my obedience be true to choose the Tree of Life daily. Amen.
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