Day 5 – Genesis: Character sketch of Adam

“Now the man and the woman were both naked, but they felt no shame.” Genesis 2:25 NLT

Learning about our ancestors often helps us to understand ourselves. Adam and Eve, the first ancestors of all humans, were the highlight of God’s creation. Through their mistakes, we can learn important lessons about how God wants us to live. Adam and Eve teach us much about temptation, the nature of sin, and the consequences.

Strengths and accomplishments

Adam was the caretaker of the Garden of Eden, the Namer of animals and the father of the human race. He was the first to be made in the image of God, and the first to share an intimate and personal relationship with God.

Weaknesses and mistakes

Adam avoided responsibility and blamed others. He chose to hide rather than to confront and made excuses rather than admitting the truth. Alongside Eve, his greatest mistake brought sin into the world and separated humanity from God.

Life lessons from Adam’s story

As descendants of Adam and Eve, we all reflect the image of God, and He wants a close relationship with us through the second Adam, Jesus Christ. Though we have free will and can choose as we please, the Father’s heart is that we will choose to obey and love Him. Our sin is our responsibility, and we should be accountable for our mistakes. You can never hide from God – bring your sin, shame, and guilt in spiritual nakedness (hiding nothing) to Him and choose the Tree of Life. “Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life.” 1 Corinthians 15:22 NLT

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, that we can learn from Adam’s weaknesses and mistakes to strengthen our faith and relationship with You. May my strengths outweigh my weaknesses through Jesus Christ who is my strength. Amen.