Day 16 – Wisdom and wealth blessings
“I will certainly give you the wisdom and knowledge you requested. But I will also give you wealth, riches, and fame such as no other king has had before you or will ever have in the future!” 2 Chronicles 1:12 NLT
Part from the spiritual blessings God gives us freely because of His unmeasurable love for us, He blesses us with our heart’s desire. Solomon, the son of King David and next to rule over the nation of God could’ve asked for anything. He could have asked to rule the world, be the biggest king the world has ever seen, or be the wealthiest king the world has ever seen. Instead, Solomon asked God for wisdom and knowledge. That’s it. No fireworks or ten thousand camels. Just wisdom and knowledge.
Solomon did not ask God because he wanted this for himself. He knew, (maybe from learning from his father), that to be King of God’s nation – He would need a lot of wisdom and knowledge. This blessing was not only for him but to honor God and bring Him glory. God blessed him with his request, but because our God is God, He also blessed the new king with wealth, riches and fame. Maybe God knew that Solomon would use his wisdom and knowledge not to let the material and financial blessings go to his head and would use everything wisely.
God wants us to ask Him for blessings in our lives and He gives them richly. When was the last time you asked God to bless you? A request from a humble heart. What are you asking God to bless you with? Is it something to bring Him glory?
Prayer: Father, thank You for the example of people You used in Your Word, like King Solomon, that we can learn from and follow the examples given by You. Father, this morning I ask that You bless this lovely person with Your daily bread and supply in all their needs. More than that, I pray that You bless them with wisdom, wealth, and knowledge to bring honor and glory to You. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.
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