Day 3 – Pride and Humility

“God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.” Genesis 3:5 NLT

This statement by the serpent in the garden of Eden is the clincher in his temptation of humanity. Though Adam and Eve lived in paradise, there was one thing they thought they were missing – to be like God, knowing good and evil. Satan wanted to be like God and thus his pride got him kicked out of God’s presence. He knew full well that if he lured God’s created image to want to be like their Creator, they will get kicked out too. But God had an antidote for the sin of pride in the form of salvation.

“So the Word became human and his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.” John1:14 NLT

Jesus, in the form of God, humbled himself to become human to give us salvation from our sinful nature and to build a relationship with the Father. Where pride gives the illusion to become God-like, humility gives the antidote where Jesus became a man to restore the broken balance of creation. In our walk with Christ, we learn that pride wants us to be like God instead of partnering with God in a relationship to rule over this world as the sons and daughters He created us to be, led by humility through Jesus. He became like us so we can come to the Father in humility instead of pride.

Prayer: Father, please forgive the pride I still carry in my heart at times. Teach me, through the humility of Jesus and what He did for us, what it means to be in a right relationship with You instead of trying to be like You. I am sinful – with this acknowledgment, I bring my sin to Jesus and humbly ask for forgiveness. Thank You Jesus for Your unfailing love and faithfulness towards me and that You will never turn away from me. Amen.

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