Day 3 – Wisdom to do justice

1 Kings 3:28 “And all Israel heard of the judgement which the king had made, and they stood in awe of him, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do justice.”
The day after Solomon asked God for wisdom, he had his first opportunity to see God’s faithfulness and experience divine wisdom. Two mothers had illegitimate babies of the same age, and they shared a house. One night, one of the babies died and his mother placed him with the other woman and took the living baby. Both women insisted that the living baby was hers. Now, faced with this dilemma, King Solomon had to judge which woman was speaking the truth.
In astounding wisdom, he ordered that a sword be brought, and the living baby be sawn in two so that each mother could have half a baby. Of course, the real mother would rather give her baby away than see him killed and pleaded that the baby’s life be spared. King Solomon found his answer, and the real mother could take her baby home.
It doesn’t matter what tough decisions we are presented with, whether it is to make a judgment call, a business decision or a big change in life; wisdom is available if we want it. All we need to do is ask.
Prayer: Creator God, thank you for Your Word. Thank you for examples of ordinary people like me who faced extremely difficult situations, and who trusted in You. I see how You came through for them, whether by a miracle or by giving them divine wisdom in the moment when they needed it. Please give me wisdom today as I go about my business, meet with friends, or take care of my family. I cannot do this without Your help. Amen.

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