Day 5 – I am CHOSEN
“Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.” 1 Peter 1:2(KJV)
We all as humans have the inherent need to be chosen, and to belong somewhere despite our faults and shortcomings. That is why I love this verse of today so much. This verse uses an interesting choice of words. If you look at the meaning and synonyms of “elect”, as used in this verse, it says “carefully selected” and “chosen”. This verse tells us that we were elected by God, according to His “foreknowledge”. Foreknowledge again indicates that this is based on things “known beforehand”. This means that God chose you, He elected you, despite knowing beforehand which mistake you will make, and how many times you will fail Him. He still chose you, even though He knew His son will die for you on the cross, and you will still sin. He chose you even though He was not guaranteed that you will choose Him back. He still elected you, to be part of His children. He still wanted you in His kingdom. May you remember this fact, everytime you feel like you made mistakes too big for God to forgive, or you feel like you are failing Him. Remember, he elected you according to the foreknowledge of your mistakes, but He knew that the Spirit will be able to sanctify you.
Prayer: Dear Father God, thank you for electing me. Thank you for choosing me to be Your child. Please help me to remember that I was chosen to be Yours, and that I can never do anything to reverse that choice you made, because you wanted me in Your family. Thank you for reassuring me today, to know that you have chosen me, to be Yours. Amen.
Love, Michelle Horn
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