Day 7 – Aaron
“And you shall put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim, and they shall be over Aaron’s heart when he goes in before the Lord. So Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel over his heart before the Lord continually.” Exodus 28:30 NKJV
At their core, Aaron types believe money should be used as a means to serve others and it is all about humility. They carry a strong sense of duty or obligation to use their resources for other people’s benefit. When it comes to money, Aaron types first think of the needs of the people around them and then their own. They’re sacrificial with finances. In Aaron’s life, we rarely see him focused on his own financial needs; he serves the Lord and the people, and God provides for him through the people and their sacrifices and offerings.
Aaron and Abraham types are similar in their people-centred inclinations and actions. Their motivations differ, however. Whereas an Abraham type is primarily motivated to put others first out of a desire that another will experience joy, delight, or feel noticed through hospitality, Aaron types are inherently motivated out of a sense of duty and responsibility to provide for another person in need—it’s just the right thing to do.
Certainly, the Scriptures teach that all people should provide for those in need, and any responsible person who inclines any of the money types will do so. For Aaron types, however, this inclination is a primary motivation for how they relate to money, and it stems from their basic belief that money should be used to help others. Through this, they reveal to us the image of God who provides the people according to their needs, and who enters the most disgusting and deplorable situations to bring about reconciliation and renewal. Aaron types will inspire you with their level of carefree trust, which enables them to use money in people-centred ways.
Prayer: Father, thank You for Aaron types who place Your needs and those of others above their own. Teach them that they cannot outgive You and that their cheerful, giving hearts are blessed as their generosity builds Your Kingdom. Amen.
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