Day 8 – Peaceful waters

“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.” Isaiah 43:2
The days leading up to the memorial service can only be described as a blur of struggles. I got an awful flu, my car broke down, it was our annual Women’s Day event, and so on. I could barely get out of bed and had so much to do for the event like blankets, food etc. With all this in my head, there were other “little foxes” making their unwanted appearance – at some point, I just wanted to crawl under a rock and hide from the world. It felt like I was shipwrecked on a secluded beach with wave after wave of events just crashing over me.
I realized there were so many things threatening to steal the precious peace. So, I prayed, “Lord, don’t let Your peace depart from me. Please give me the strength to be victorious in Jesus through this season. I cannot swim anymore; it feels like I am drowning.” I don’t know if my prayer reached God’s ears yet when I received the answer: Isaiah 43:2. I could only stand in awe of God’s faithfulness through His Word and stood on this verse as I saw the waves heading my direction.
I did not have the strength to do or accomplish anything on my own and in those days, I understood what it meant to rely on God for strength. I can promise you this my friend, you cannot deplete God’s strength.
Prayer: Father, in times of difficulty and oppression, You not only give us Your peace but also Your strength – and I thank You for this. Thank You, that I know that what You give can never be depleted and run over us because it is Living Water sustaining us. I pray, that those reading this and are feeling they can’t anymore, You will meet them and show them they will not drown and the rivers of difficulty will be rivers of Living Waters. Amen.

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