Day 9 – Hate compromise – Living the Truth as True

“Be extremely careful to keep yourselves free from the pollutions of the flesh” Jude 1:23

As we move closer and closer to the end of the old and the restoration of all things, all Heaven is invested in the preparation of the Bride for our glorious Bridegroom. 

A Bride without blemish or spot. A Bride completely transformed to His image through the New Creation Life within us. 

There is not one of us that can deny the Holy Spirit has worked both the knowledge and desire for Holiness in us. 

It is time for us to rise and shine, to live as a reflection of our Creator, and step out of the influence of the old nature completely. 

This is not a battle. This is living the truth as true. 

“Know ye not that as many as we’re baptised into Jesus Chris were baptised into His death. Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up by the glory of the Father, that we should walk in newness or life.” Romans 6:3-4

Living the truth as true, we learn in Romans 6 that sin has no power over us and that we simply need to be unresponsive to it. 

We all have battled with sin and compromise and we all know the separation it causes in our fellowship with God. Jude is calling us to step beyond that into a mature Bride, living the truth as true. 

Prayer: Father, the gift of New Creation life and the reality of what it means are truly glorious! Thank You for preparing me as a Bride for Jesus! Help me live Your truth as true and make me Holy by the sanctification work of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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