Fasting like Daniel – Day 4
Fast: Sun up to sundown
“And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.” Matthew 6:12 (NKJV)
I like to watch the Olympics – especially track events. I sit in awe as the athletes fly over the hurdles with which looks like no effort at all. Even in school, I could just not get my little body over the hurdles in a fluid motion. In my mind’s eye, I looked like floppy noodles trying to get over a chopstick! In the race of life, we find hurdles too. I don’t always fly over the hurdle of forgiveness as I would like. Sometimes my foot gets stuck on the crossbeam of the hurdle and I land (very unathletically) hard on the ground.
Forgiveness is a daily practice we need to hone into our prayer lives. Take this fast as an opportunity to bring to God everything you are having trouble forgiving. Also, ask the Holy Spirit to highlight the sins you need to repent and ask forgiveness for.
Scripture: Matthew Chapters 9-11 & Daniel 1:11-14
Prayer: Father, today I bring the things and people I have a hard time forgiving to Your feet and I ask Your guidance to forgive them and to send me free from the shackles of unforgiveness. Help me to get over this hurdle like a well-trained athlete. Holy Spirit please show me my sins for me to repent and ask forgiveness. Amen.
(Tomorrow we fast dinner.)
Written by Pastor Iriza for
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