Day 2 – Fragrant Love
“For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial.” Matthew 26:12 NKJV
A woman came to Jesus, and she poured a very expensive fragrant oil on Jesus’ head. His disciples thought it was a waste. Why do that when you can sell it fragrant oil to help the poor financially?
Jesus, knowing their thoughts, answered them and said, you will have the poor with you always, but I will not always be here. What did Jesus see in this act that this woman did for Him? He saw her selfless act of love and devotion towards Him.
Jesus saw her heart, and He knew that He was more important to her than the most expensive fragrant oil. Jesus was her everything. Are we willing to give up our costly possessions for Jesus? God did that for you and me.
Pouring out the fragrant oil upon Jesus’ head, was a symbol of Jesus being king of Kings, and also the King being a servant. He would sacrifice Himself for our iniquities.
What are you willing to give Jesus?
Prayer: Father God, thank you that you gave your precious Son for us. Teach us to give selflessly as you did for us, in Jesus’ Name Amen.
Written by Pastor Sandra Santos for
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