Day 7 – Genesis: Character map of Noah

“So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him.” Genesis 6:22 NLT

The greatest challenge Noah’s story gives us is to live, in acceptance of God’s grace, an entire lifetime of obedience and gratitude.

Strengths and accomplishments

Noah was the only follower of God left in his generation and the second father to humanity. He was a man of patience, consistency, and obedience. Adding to his repertoire – the first shipbuilder and preacher.

Weaknesses and mistakes

He got drunk on the first harvest and embarrassed himself in front of his sons.

Life lessons from Noah’s story

God is faithful to those who obey Him and obedience is a life-long commitment because we should remember our sinful nature remains within us. Being obedient to God does not mean you get a free pass from troubles, but God cares for us in spite of the troubles.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, that we can learn about obedience, patience, and commitment from Noah. In this story You sketch out Your mercy regardless of the wrath You poured out over a sinful world. May my commitment in obedience to You be a life-long, intentional choice. Amen.