Day 8 – Genesis: The story of Abraham
Reading: Genesis 12:1 to Genesis 20:18
“And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith” Genesis 15:6 NLT
Actions have consequences. Our actional decisions can set in motion events that may have continued consequences long after we are gone. Unfortunately, when making life-changing decisions, most of us only consider the immediate and not the long-term effects. Abraham had two choices: setting out with his family in uncertainty under God’s direction or staying put in his comfort zone. All he had to go on was the promise of God’s blessing. Abraham could hardly have been expected to visualise how much of the future was resting on his decision, but his obedience affected the history of the world.
When Abraham learned his nephew, Lot, was a prisoner, he harboured no grudge and immediately tried to rescue him. It would have been easier for Abraham not to get involved, but sometimes our involvement in messy or painful situations is God’s led to help them.
In the account of Sodom and Gomorrah, we read an interesting conversation between God and Abraham. It may seem that Abraham was trying to convince God to change his mind about the destruction of a flagrantly sinful city. Abraham knew that God is just and punishes sin and he left his conversation with God convinced that God was merciful, kind, and fair. Our prayers don’t change God’s mind, but it changes ours.
Share with us what Abraham’s story means to you.
Prayer: Father, I think of Abraham’s story when facing decisions or awaiting the fulfilment of Your promises. Though Abraham is not shown as a warrior, to me he is a warrior in faith. Teach me to be humble and faithful like Abraham. Amen.
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