Listen – Day 15

Weaknesses of a Spiritual Knower

“My child, don’t reject the Lord ’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you.” Proverbs 3:11

In our lifespan as humans in the physical realm, we will never have full knowledge of the Word of God and we will always have weaknesses we need to overcome.  A spiritual knower, especially, doesn’t like correction. But thank God for Grace! And for His Son, Jesus, through whom we can overcome. It’s good to know your weakness so you can work diligently to turn them to strengths.

  • Spiritual knower often believe they are not spiritual at all because they don’t “audibly” hear God. But this is a lie you need to break-up with. Value that you listen to God differently


  • They can often be very literal in what they know is from God and take a straight path in a set direction, without explaining themselves, leaving other people confused


  • Because they are so determined to comply with God’s will, they can unintentionally miss when God changes direction. If Abraham was a knower and he knew he had to kill his son and missed the changed direction, he would have brought the knife down on the throat of his son.


  • Knowers need humility to check and double-check with God to understand what they are hearing. Sometimes humility is the last thing on a determined spiritual knower.

Trust your intuition and build a relationship with God so you just don’t “think” what you know is correct, but that you KNOW it is because you have the mind of Christ.

Prayer: Father, thank You that we can know our weaknesses and I pray that You will guide the spiritual knowers to turn their weakness into strengths to listen to You to the best of their ability. Thank You for your Grace and Love. Amen. ©


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