Day 4 – Passing Through

“We were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt, but the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand” Deuteronomy 6:21 NIV
The mighty hand of the Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt. They were not meant to stay there but were passing through to promised land. When they left Egypt, they wanted to return. They did not make it easy for Moses and complained day and night without keeping the destination of the promised land in mind.
Egypt represents the world as we know it today, where we have slave masters and are slaves to our sin. Egypt has an evil dominator and is a place of oppression. This is not the place God wants you to stay, but to pass through toward what He has for you. Staying in this world you will be answering to the harsh slave master satan. We are born into slavery but God will not leave us there giving us a choice to accept salvation through Jesus who leads us to the promised land of Heaven. God might send you to Egypt for you to choose between this world and salvation. God is a gentleman and will never force Himself on you. Choosing Him is an act of love.
Egypt carries a warning: to set up camp in Egypt under slavery or pass through choosing the Promised Land. I made my choice, did you?
Prayer: Lord God, thank You that I can Choice You as my King and that I can say my heart belongs to You. Help me to leave the world behind to follow You, Jesus. Amen.
Written by Marie Swanepoel for
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