Day 13 – Topical studies

“Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

Topical Bible study is an interesting and informative approach by looking at a specific topic or theme through scripture to discover what the Bible holistically teaches about a particular theme. For example, you might like to learn more about healing. Of course, you can choose to study one scripture and reach a conclusion, but the topical study gives you a broader perspective on healing throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

What we believe, know, and want to know about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is rooted in scripture. In today’s “online” society it is all too easy to run with an idea that you heard and becomes popular in the Christian culture. Just because it’s popular doesn’t mean it’s Biblical and instead of learning a topic from third parties, dig deeper and discover what God says about it. I’m not saying not to listen to teachings or read books on a topic interesting to you, please do because you will find nuggets you can connect with scripture giving you a deeper understanding. It is your responsibility to TEST everything and hold on to the good, which is the golden key when doing a topical study.

• Choose a topic of interest to you

• Look up the topic in Biblical dictionaries and concordances

• Journal your topic, and the different verses you find, and write out your conclusion on the topic

Prayer: Father, thank You for showing us different methods and techniques to study Your Word and to deepen our relationship with You one study at a time. It is amazing that for each person with our created uniqueness, there is a type and technique to study Your Word. May our journey take us down deeper paths of understanding and I pray that during this journey, for everyone reading this, You will give love and understanding for Your Word. Amen.

Tip: You can use our daily devotionals or monthly scripture plans as topical studies too. We will post monthly scripture reading plans every month in the Freebie section.

Written by Pastor Iriza for
