Day 12 – Verse Mapping
“Tie them on your fingers as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. Love wisdom like a sister; make insight a beloved member of your family.” Proverbs 7:3-4
Verse mapping is a technique of studying the historical context, transliteration, translation, connotation, and theological framework of a verse. You do not need to be a trained theologian, verse mapping is for anyone who wants to get “real” with the Word of God and not just read it for the sake of reading. Verse mapping will inspire you to dig into the Word of God and guide you to take the Word deep within your soul and write it on the tablet of your heart.
The concept is similar to that of Chapter mapping (discussed yesterday), but zoning in on the Word verse-by-verse. Not only is it fun, but a creative way to connect with God’s Word by using a diagram or chart – much like a mind map – to study a verse.
Before hunting for the perfect verse to map out: pray! Ask God to reveal what verse you should take on for the day. Write the verse on a blank page while reciting it aloud for yourself. Highlight or circle words you want to clarify, define or find the meaning of. Look at the verse in context to understand the “face value” of the verse. Use different translations to see if certain words are used differently. Write out what the words mean to you in light of the verse and how you can apply it today.
The Bible study method of verse mapping is a beautiful way to deepen your walk with the Lord and unpack His promises. It’s also a practical way to record the lessons and insights God gave you through the His precious word. Through this method, you will gain an enriched view of the character of God and a deeper foundation of faith!
Prayer: Father, thank You for Your Word and that I can write it on the tablet of my heart. Help me to understand the technique of verse mapping and to draw closer to You with each verse. Your Word is deep and wonderful and I cannot wait to map it out with You. Amen.
Tip: Download our Verse Mapping page in the Freebie section.
Written by Pastor Iriza for
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