Day 11 – Chapter Mapping
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” 2 Timothy 2:15 ESV
Your study should always be about God and His unfolding plan for us. You choose to study God’s Word because you WANT to NEED His Word. You want to learn it. To love it, and make it your oxygen by applying it to your life.
When studying the Bible, context is of great importance and I like the way Timothy says it, “rightly handling the word of truth”. Rightly handling it is understanding the context of a chapter, which brings to life the meaning of the entire book pointing to Jesus each time. Chapter mapping is an easy way to do just that. Basically, it is taking each chapter at a time and mapping it out in your journal.
Look at the overall meaning of the chapter and what it is about in relation to what was happening at the time and the broader picture of God’s plan at work. Identify keywords and look up the meaning in the original languages (Hebrew or Greek). Find interesting facts or lessons you can learn from God or the characters in the chapter. What were their strengths and weaknesses? Think of how you can apply what you have learned to your life and always praise God for it and knit it into your prayer.
Prayer: Father, help us to understand the Truth of Your Word in the context You have put in order. Allow us to see Your plan and purpose for the time it was written and the time we live in now. Thank You for Your amazing words and teach us to rightly handle each precious one. Amen.
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