Day 10 – Bible Study Methods

“Now the rest of the acts of Solomon and whatever he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the book of the acts of Solomon?” 1 Kings 11:41

I trust you have your book and are ready to start. Pen in hand with nothing to write as the uncertainty of what to do creeps in. It can be daunting, I know. I have had my share of staring at a blank page. The most important thing is to just start! Remember, it is your study time. It is YOUR journal, YOUR time, and YOUR thoughts. There is no right or wrong, do not overcomplicate it for yourself.

There are multiple methods you can apply to Bible Study:

• GROW – Greet, Read, Observe, and Write

• SOUL – Search, Observe, Use, and Learn

• REAP – Read, Examine, Apply, and Pray

• WORD – Word of God, Observation, Reflect, and Devotion

• ACTS – Ask, Chapter, Think, and Scripture

• HEAR – His Word, Examine, Apply, and Respond

• SOAP – Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer

My personal favorite is SOAP, maybe because it makes me think of Jesus’s blood washing me as white as snow. After a study session, I feel cleansed and refreshed. It does not matter what method you like, what does matter is the nuggets of gold treasure unearthed between the pages giving you wisdom and insight. In today’s verse, the prophet Jeremiah points specifically to the writings (journaling) of the wisest man ever to walk the planet, encouraging the people of Israel to seek wisdom in God’s Word. The same wisdom is there for you to find as well.

Prayer: Father, help me to find a method I can remember and apply to my daily Bible study so I can find the wisdom You have for me. I pray that Your wisdom washes over each and every one who is brave enough to take up a pen and start a journaling journey with You. Thank You, Lord, for all the methods and tools available to us today to guide us in spending quality time with You. Amen.

Tip: Today in the Freebie section you can download SOAP study cards.

Written by Pastor Iriza for
