Day 5 – Knowing the truth
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (ESV)
Teaching children to always tell the truth is sometimes challenging when vivid imaginations start to develop. One evening I checked in on my then three year old who was supposed to pick up her toys. (A mom knows that where there is silence, there is mischief).
She was not in her (still untidy) bedroom and I found her in the garden playing with the dog. I asked why she has not cleaned her room like she was supposed to and with a serious face she said, “It was clean, then purple thieves came in and messed it up again.” It was hard not to laugh while telling her not to fib and send her back to her room to finish her chore.
In truth, our children need all the guidance to pursue truth. My prayer is that telling the truth will come as natural as breathing. That discernment will guide them to always search the truth and to pursue the Truth who is Jesus with all their hearts, minds, and souls so they may walk in freedom with their Saviour. That they will be saturated with the truth of God’s Word while studying the Bible and implementing the truth thereof in their lives.
Prayer: Father, thank You for giving us mommies the truth which we can teach our children. Help us to guide them in Your truth always and to teach them the importance of truth. May they always walk in Your light and keep the lies of the darkness from their hearts and minds. Thank You, Almighty, that we can pray and ask You to be the everlasting truth in the lives of our children. Amen.
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