Day 5 – Temptation
Egypt is a place we should avoid but so often we found ourselves in the midst of it, like a moth to the light of a candle. It is no surprise that in Genesis 3, the serpent tempted Eve with a fruit. Food is something we all need. God’s Word is food for the soul we need to survive in this world, but we never take the time to read it or allow it to nourish us.
“He said to the women, “Did God really say, ‘You may not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Genesis 3:1 NIV
Something you must know about satan is that he knows the Word inside out and will use it against you and draw you to Egypt. He will twist the truth into a half-truth just as he cleverly tempted Eve with a lie. And we are no different. Egypt can be portrayed as a great city to visit, but staying is dangerous. It is a city where temptation can be found along with slavery and judgment. The devil will never tempt you with something unknown because he very well knows your weakness. If food is your weakness, he will use food to tempt you. If anger is your weakness, he will use it to his advantage.
“When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian.” Exodus 3:15 NIV
Not surprising that Moses fled from Egypt and I think one of the reasons was to open his eyes to the injustice that took place in Egypt towards God’s nation. God knew He could not use Moses if he stayed in Egypt because of all the temptations. He knows you too and He will use your weakness to show off His strength leaving you stronger. The devil on the other hand will use your weakness to destroy you.
Prayer: Lord, open the eyes of people to see You as our protector. Who knows my weaknesses. I ask You to protect me from any temptation sent over my path. Give me discerning eyes to know the truth and to discern a lie. Amen.
Written by Marie Swanepoel for
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