Day 6 – Prosperity

“Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver; and they brought Joseph into Egypt.” Genesis 37:28 NIV

Joseph, the first son of Rachel and the eleventh son of Jacob, was sold for twenty pieces of silver and taken to Egypt. He was a slave but ended up being like a king.

Everything Joseph touched turned to gold. He was blessed abundantly throughout his stay in Egypt. First, a slave in the house of Potiphar and sentenced to jail where he was put in charge of the prison and successfully interpreted dreams. (Like he did for his brothers). Soon Joseph became an adviser to Pharoah and prepared Egypt for a famine interpreted from Pharoah’s dream.

We all know the story of Joseph. We should think that the Israelites are now citizens of Egypt and that they share in the prosperity, but that is not what happened. A new Pharoah reigned in Egypt and enslaved them. They were overworked, beaten, and raped. If this was not enough, the new Pharoah decreed that all newborn boys must be slain.

We may prosper and be wealthy but this world is not our home. This world will rob you of all your wealth and you will be left with nothing. Jesus said in John 18:36 “My kingdom is not of this world”. Let us take His word for it; our home is not here. Jesus said that in heaven are many mansions. He already builds a place for you and me.

Prayer: Jesus thank you for preparing a place for me. A place of abundance that I can call my own. Amen.

Written by Marie Swanepoel for

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