Day 4 – My Compassions NEVER fail
“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.” Lamentations 3:22
A general definition of compassion is sympathy and concern for the sufferings of others and a desire to alleviate such suffering. The Hebrew and Greek words translated as “compassion” in the Bible speak to having mercy or being moved with sympathetic pity.
But the most important object this word is used to describe is God Himself. God is the root and foundation, the spring and fountainhead, of all true compassion! God’s compassion means He is sympathetic to the suffering of His people. He sees our distress and takes pity on us. Unlike human compassion, His compassion is more than mere sympathy and pity. It is related to His mercy, kindness, patience, grace, forgiveness, and love. In fact, some of these attributes are so related and interwoven as to make clear demarcations between them difficult.
God is not an impotent observer in our lives, but the omnipotent sovereign ruler of the universe. His sympathy for our lost and miserable state led Him not only to feel our pain but to provide an atoning sacrifice for our guilt; this He did by sending His Son to die for our sins. Jesus is the Father’s most compassionate gift to mankind. It is only by and through faith in Jesus Christ that we are forgiven of our guilt and rescued from our deplorable condition.
Prayer: Father, today I humbly want to thank You for having compassion on me. With all the mistakes I make, I am grateful to know that Your compassion is not just an emotion, but an attribute of You. Thank You for sending Jesus who rescued me and for having compassion toward Your children. Amen.
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