Day 12 – Push through for your breakthrough

Hebrews 10:23 “So let us seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish and confess and our acknowledgement of it, for He Who promised is reliable (sure) and faithful to His Word.”

Sometimes it takes a battle to get through the dark times. I experienced this once when facing an intensely fearful outcome. There was no backing out, and no way forward. I saw no hope, no solution. Isaiah 41:10 is a powerful, comforting promise that guarantees us there is nothing to fear – despite what it may seem like. This promise was relevant to my situation, a timely word from God. I read this verse out loud, expecting my fear to melt away instantly. It didn’t. I cried before God, showing Him His promise, praying the Scripture. I said, “This is powerful, Lord, if only I could believe it!”

That’s when it hit me. I believed it with my mind. But this promise was not a truth in my spirit yet. It took stubborn perseverance, praying this promise over and over, my natural mind battling with the supernatural possibility of what God promised. Finally, after hours’ struggle of prayer, and insistence on believing the Word, the release came. Fear’s grip was broken, and I could see God’s outcome. Days later a supernatural breakthrough came.

Now is not the time to be modest in our beliefs. Stand firm! He Who has promised is faithful.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are the Author of the all-powerful, life-changing Word, the highest authority on earth and in heaven. And You have granted me access to it! How blessed am I, how amazing Your love and goodness toward me! Thank you that You remain ever faithful and unchanging, true to Your promises. Make Your Word the truth in my life that is more real than the world I see with my natural eyes. Amen.