Day 13 – Vineyards

“He plowed the land, cleared its stones, and planted it with the best vines. In the middle, he built a watchtower and carved a winepress in the nearby rocks. Then he waited for a harvest of sweet grapes but the grapes that grew were bitter.” Isaiah 5:4

Throughout the biblical period, the vineyard was part of everyday life for many in Israel. It is not surprising that it became the Biblical symbol for the nation of God. Isaiah starts a beautiful prophecy in chapter 5 about Israel, “The vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel” where he recalls the careful and loving treatment of the owner (God) towards the vineyard (Israel). But the harvest from the vineyard did not produce sweet fruit as required, but a bitter crop of sin and rebellion.

Vineyard texts insist that God remains in a constant, personal relationship with His people and continues to care for and preserve them, and stays faithful even when we fail to do so. Emphasizing God’s continued care for His people is an image of hope unto eternity. When looking at your own life or ministry, is the glistening fruit of your harvest sweet or bitter to God our Father?

Prayer: Father, my prayer is that Heaven sings songs about us as Your vineyard, but that it would be songs of victory and not songs that turn to despair. Holy Spirit please point out the things in our lives causing bitterness to our fruit. May the harvest we produce be sweet to you. Amen.