Day 20 – How Jesus taught

Luke 11:1-4 (ESV) “Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of His disciples said to Him: “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples”.

Jesus was considered the best teacher of all time, and we can still apply His teaching methods today. In the New Testament, He was referred to as “teacher” forty-five times and as “Rabbi” in Aramaic fourteen times. Jesus employed various teaching methods and techniques to convey his message, including clarifying meanings, motivating, and revealing the truth of the Word. His teachings encompassed poetry, proverbs, exaggeration, and parables, among other methods.

Jesus had various teaching methods uniquely designed for every situation. He taught spontaneously, adapted His methods to resonate with each person, and selected the right message and method for the proper time. His teachings were simple yet profound, and he emphasized his message through his actions and miracles. His teaching style was marked by authority, unlike the traditional methods of the Pharisees (Matthew 7:28-29).

Prayer: Father in heaven, thank You for sending Jesus to be the perfect Rabbi and teacher to us. Jesus, thank you for the example You set for us to follow. Open our hearts for your teachings and refresh our minds to remember the words You taught. Amen.