A Ruth Relationship – Day 29
Love restores
“May he restore your youth and care for you in your old age. For he is the son of your daughter-in-law who loves you and has been better to you than seven sons!” Ruth 4:15
As we come to the conclusion of our drama where we’ve met Ruth & Naomi in a desperate situation, we can share in their happy ending. When they left Moab, Naomi encourages Ruth to stay with her people, but Ruth showed loyalty and love to her mother-in-law. God is not limited to meeting our needs in expected ways. The same people who witnessed Namoi and Ruth’s return through the city gates empty and broken are present to observe first-hand God’s providential blessings. They knew about Ruths loyalty, obedience, determination and love towards Naomi and praise her for being worth more than 7 sons.
Love has the ability to break all boundaries beyond our understanding. Ruth loved with the love Christ expects from us when He said ‘Love your neighbour’. Her unconditional love and faith restored their situation and their status in the eyes of the community. You might feel you are in the barren, winter season of your life, but God will strengthen your resolve to continue to be obedient. His promises will never fail you. Keep gleaning the field. Your fruitful season is coming.
Ruth Relationship Advice: God’s in the restoring business through His unconditional love for us.
Prayer: Father, we praise you for every act of redemption in our lives. I believe that You fully restores and floods the light of Your glorious redemption into every dark corner of our lives. We trust in Your providence Jehovah Jireh. Amen.
Written by Pastor Iriza for

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