You are noticed

“Then Boaz asked his foreman, “Who is that young woman over there? Who does she belong to?” Ruth 2:5

It was one of those days… Whilst driving home, I was deep in conversation with God about how unnoticed I felt that day (and maybe a few days before too). Frustrated with feeling my expectations aren’t met as I thought it should, I carried on with my two-year-old tantrum. God didn’t answer… I work hard, I try my best as a mother and a wife and yet, some days it feels like all I do just goes by unnoticed. God didn’t answer…That evening while I was busy studying Ruth for this devotional, I read this verse and suddenly God answered: “I notice you.” It’s all I needed to hear. All my “unnoticed insecurities” waltzed out the door as His words resounded in my heart. I am noticed.

If today you feel like you are the invisible woman – you are noticed. If you feel your hard work isn’t noticed – you are noticed. When you feel like you are doing just one mundane thing after another as a mother (washing, dishes, cleaning) – you are noticed. When you feel like you’re not being honoured as a wife – you are noticed. In God’s field, he notices you. He knows why you are bend down and gleaning and doing what you need to do daily, and He notices just like Boaz immediately noticed Ruth.

Ruth Relationship Advice: You are noticed by God!

Prayer: Father, thank You for noticing me. That even when I feel invisible and unappreciated – You notice me. I love You, Lord, for loving me and for noticing the things I do even when I think it’s mundane and unimportant. Amen.

Written by Pastor Iriza for

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