Day 1 – About trees

“Then God said, “Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened.” Genesis 1:11

On day 3 of the Creation extravaganza, God created flora (all plant life). How amazingly satisfying it would have been to see the brown soil of the earth change to a green hue as vegetation started to populate the dry surface. From the tiniest plant to the majestic giant trees – all obeying the Word of God.

Contrary to popular belief, trees weren’t created for us. Yes, they sustain the delicate balance of producing life-giving oxygen and we use the roots, wood, and leaves for numerous purposes from furniture, paper, fuel, and medicine. Trees were created for the glory of God and are referred to (by name) in the Bible so that we can understand their characteristics and symbolism and help us grow into spiritual giants of faith.

Throughout this devotional study, we will explore scriptural trees. There is a clear distinction that can be split into two categories: spiritual trees (those we read about but do not know what they look like) and physical trees (those we see and can identify today). We will look at both categories starting with the 29 kinds of trees. Join us on this discovery journey into God’s Forest of faith.

Prayer: Father, our Creator, we thank You for the glory of Your creation and for creating all plant life. Thank You for the trees we can explore in Your Word, and I pray that we will dig to find deeper spiritual truths to sustain us from root to fruit. Amen.

Love, Pastor Iriza