Day 1 – Looking up
“I look up to the mountains – does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!” Psalm 121:1
I’ve been there… sitting at the foot of yet another mountain thinking, “Lord, not another mountain please”. I understand the feeling of just reaching the top and as you look up, there is a higher peak you need to reach. This alone is enough to deflate your faith as you wonder where you can muster even an ounce of strength to take another step. These mighty created masses of rock and marble might be powerful enough to make you feel small, weak, and insignificant – but they are no match to the One who created them.
The mountains casting a shadow over where you stand today can be anything. Depression, finances, relationships, grief, conflict, stressful situations, or uncertainty. The mountain you face is the very thing you think you do not have the strength to face.
I am a firm believer that God moves mountains. I am witness to this. But I also believe that some mountains are left in our path to climb. It is on the crest of these mountains where our view expands and we glimpse a vista of God’s plan in our lives. And, it is not a race to the top, but a growth closer to God as we experience Him on a deeper level.
Friend, journey with us through this devotional where we will learn to climb the mountains in our lives to reach new heights God has especially for us because our help comes from the Lord. The One who created heaven and earth and give us all our needs according to His abundant will.
Gear up faith-mountaineers, look up, and let’s get ready to climb!
Prayer: Father, I do not always feel like saying thank You for the mountain I have to climb. But I have realized their importance and today I can give thanks with a grateful heart for the mountains I had to face. Always remind me to look up to You, beyond the mountains because all the help I ever will need comes from You. Amen.
Written by Pastor Iriza for
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