Day 1 – What is Egypt?
“Who go down to Egypt without consulting me; who look for help to Pharaoh’s protection, to Egypt shade for refuge.” Isaiah 30:2 NIV
Egypt is a prominent place in the Bible and one of the most commonly mentioned locations. We all know the saying “All roads lead to Rome” but reading the Old Testament, we can say “All roads lead to Egypt”.
Egypt became synonymous with sin, idolatry, bondage, and famine but also a place of wisdom, refuge, and hope. Through the Old Testament, God’s people ended up in Egypt. I asked myself why, and what influence Egypt has on me as a Christian today. The answer surprised me: either God SENT them to Egypt or God allowed them to FLEE to Egypt. They ended up there because of circumstances but there were times God kept them from Egypt too. I can conclude that you and I will also end up in Egypt sometime in our journey.
In Genesis 12, Abraham went to Egypt because of a severe famine that struck Canaan, causing his family to stopover in Egypt. Genesis 37 tells us Joseph was a slave for Pharoah because his brothers sold him to traders, and the same brothers sought out Egypt because of famine in their land. In both accounts, famine was the cause of sending them to Egypt and God symbolizes a pattern throughout the Bible where the Israelites at some point journeyed through Egypt. Weaved into this pattern are the “going to” and “going from” Egypt.
You might think it is because they were punished, but no. While residing there, they were blessed abundantly and prospered. As soon as they prospered, Egypt wanted to share in the prosperity and took everything.
Comparing Biblical Egypt to the world today, we find ourselves in a type of “Egypt” more often and we can see the same pattern develop in our lives where circumstances of famine lead us to “Egypt”. This is not our permanent home where we stay and relax, but a temporary destination, and God will always lead you out of trouble and hardship.
Egypt represents the world, but for me, it represents a place of rest and learning, and maybe also a place to reflect. When restrictions come upon your life, you will see God’s hand at work because, out of your weakness, God’s strength is made perfect. To get to the moment where you need to leave Egypt, there is one thing that we must do and that is to be obedient to God’s will for our life.
Prayer: As we are weak and You are our strength lead us out of Egypt into the Promised Land. Jesus help us to be obedient to Your will for us. Let us not trust ourselves but trust You, Jesus, to provide for us. Amen.
Written by Marie Swanepoel for
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