Day 14 – Curses from man: Men representing God and men representing Satan
“And on the morrow, when they were coming from Bethany, he was hungry: And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find anything thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet. And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever. And his disciples heard” Mark 11:12 – 14 (KJV)
We see throughout the Bible that men from God are not only blessed, but cursed. As we see here Jesus himself cursed the fig tree because He could see the tree would never bear fruit. David also cursed the mountains of Gilboa, and today, 3000 years later, there are still no trees or vegetation that will grow on those mountains. We also read in Matthew 21 that Jesus gave the authority to the disciples (and to us) to be able to curse like He cursed that fig tree. This is a very dangerous tool that He gave us, and we should be extra cautious when we speak to and about ourselves and speak over others.
Just like men of God curse, men of Satan also curse. Witches, witch doctors, or whatever term you want to use, are experts at cursing others. They know they can not win the eternal battle, so they curse their enemies now in the hope that they can defeat them now, while in this temporary life on earth. These people use the gift of authority Jesus gave us for the wrong purposes. Their power is not from God but from Satan. In Africa, cursing those who offend you, steal from you, or sometimes even just make you mad, is a very common practice. We have a lot of men and women representing Satan in Africa. Fortunetellers and tarot card readers are also representing Satan. If you visit these people for help, you are opening yourself up to their curses. Ask God to show you if there are any curses like this on you or your house, and He will bring light in the darkness.
Prayer: Abba Father, please show me if I have been under a curse from a man presenting you, or the enemy. I want to be freed from these curses. Thank you for allowing me to see these curses and repent for the sins that gave them cause.Amen
I would like to credit Derek Prince for the information in his book “Blessing and Curses
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