Day 18 – Health
“Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.” Psalm 91:3
Included in the repertoire of “Mom-hood” is that of a healer. We clean scrapes and apply cartoon plasters, kiss bumps better and give medicine when needed. And the one thing ALL Moms will agree on is that we do not like it when our kids are sick.
Automatically we kick into action when we feel a fever brewing or a nose running. I can only thank God for the health of my children –I would not have survived the many sleepless nights while watching over them while they were sick.
There are children around the world who are battling illness every day. Like cancer and auto-immune diseases. And though I think for myself that it is unfair for them to suffer like that, I also know that our Father has a plan for them too.
My prayer is that our Father, our Heavenly Physician, will keep our children healthy and protected from the perilous pestilence. I pray that those beautiful children who wake up every morning ready to fight whatever disease is in their bodies will have the strength given by God to fight a good fight. May their spirits be healed with His love and may they be a role model example to everyone around them to never give up.
Prayer: Father, thank You for being the healer and protector of our children. I ask that You would please protect them against any perilous pestilence. Bless the children who are fighting against life-threatening diseases and illnesses and give them strength through Your love.
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