Day 23 –  Jehovah ‘Ori

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1

There are a few reasons why I love the name Jehovah ‘Ori – the Lord my Light. The first words God spoke to kick off the miracle of creation were: “Let there be light” It was the first thing commanded by God. The beauty of these first-ever words written in God’s Word is that God never said “Light stop!” Since those very special first Words, the light continues to obey Him.

With God as my Light, I never have to fear the darkness. As Micah 7:8 says: “Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, The Lord will be a light to me.” When we call upon God as Jehovah ‘Ori, we declare that He alone is the Light in our lives and that we need Him to be the Light in every situation of our lives.

Prayer: Father, thank You for being the Light of my entire existence to which I am drawn just like a little moth drawn to the brightness of a light. Because I call You Jehova ‘Ori, I trust and know with all my heart that You are the Light within my soul and the Light to which others are drawn. Please guide me today to be a Light carrier of Your love. Amen.

PS… Meditate today on the importance of Light and what Jehovah ‘Ori means to you.