Day 23 – Why the Titus 2 Woman

Titus 2:3-5 “Likewise with the female elders, lead them into lives free from gossip and drunkenness and to be teachers of beautiful things. This will enable them to teach the younger women to love their husbands, to love their children, and to be self-controlled and pure, taking care of their household and being devoted to their husbands. By doing these things the word of God will not be discredited.”

In our evolving society, we see changes in family structure. As Christian women, we can turn to God and Titus 2 for guidance. It emphasizes disciple-making and the importance of submission. Our households reflect the state of our churches, so it’s important to build our families in a way that reflects positively on the church.

The characteristics of a Titus 2 woman are not meant to let us feel inadequate or to showcase our weaknesses, but to build women who are strong in faith and know that our salvation is based on God’s goodness, loving-kindness and mercy. The truth is the way we believe reflects how we live. Sound doctrine is essential for sound living and validates the Bible to the world.

Prayer: Lord, as women we look for floors in our lives, from our bodies to the way we speak. Ps 139:14 “I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well. Ps 140:1-2 Deliver me, o Lord from evil men; preserve me from violent men, who plan evil things in their hearts and stir up wars continually. Open our hearts to receive the mercy and love You have for us. Let Titus 2 be our standard of living to reflect the Bible in a way that glorifies Your Name. Amen.