Day 3 – Ready to serve

“So, as much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also.” Romans 1:15 NKJV

Paul’s heart desired to visit the church in Rome. Not to see the sites and visit the Coliseum – I’m sure – but to share the Gospel with them also.

To impart some Spiritual Gift to them and to be encouraged by their faith. See, Paul had very successful missionary trips but they would not have been as rewarding if it was not for his readiness to preach the Gospel everywhere he went. To Paul it did not matter where God guided him, he was ready. Ready for Jesus!

Which raises the question, how ready are you? Can you step out of the comfort of your life and tell a stranger about Jesus? Or even a friend? Paul knew the importance to spread the Gospel to as many ears as willing to listen in any country he found himself in. Even in jail. In his letter to Rome, Paul’s urgency to save souls is highlighted by his words that He would rather be damned if it meant He could reach the unsaved for Jesus. To me, that is sacrificial love – the true message of the Gospel because of Jesus’ sacrificial love for us. Let us be ready to serve others with the Gospel. Be ready for Jesus!

Prayer: Father, thank You for the example You used in Paul to teach us the importance of spreading the Gospel to everyone we meet. May our hearts be ready to serve and our minds quick to follow even if we think we cannot do it. You give each one of us daily opportunities to talk about You, declaring Your Goodness, Glory, and Grace. I pray that each sister reading this will be ready to take these opportunities in leaps and bounds to expand Your Kingdom with the precious souls You love. Amen.

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