Day 3 – Taking captive
“We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
Paul explains to Timothy that those (bad characters) creep into households and capture weak women. He also explains the reasons why these women are captured and it’s not at all the dramatic war drama scene I had imagined. The biggest captivity is that of your mind in a moment of weakness when we fail to guard it.
FBI operative training includes the identification of counterfeit money. They are put in a room with real money to study every inch, feel and smell there off. They spend hours learning everything they can about real money. They are never shown or given counterfeit money, so, when they see the counterfeits, they immediately recognise it as fake because they know the real deal. When we are familiar with the Truth of God’s Word, we immediately identify the lie or weakness and take it captive with God’s Word. Spending time in God’s word and learning His Truth guards your mind against creeps trying to capture you with lies because who the Son has set free is free indeed. Be familiar with the Truth!
A weak woman is captivated by lies, but a daughter of the King takes her thoughts captive with the truth.
Prayer: Father, thank You for giving us the Truth to guard our minds against the lies of the enemy. Help me to identify the lies I believed and show me Your Truth to shine it for my liberty through Jesus Christ. Amen.
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