Day 4 – Wisdom comes from God alone

Proverbs 2:6 “For the Lord gives skilful and godly Wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
Isn’t this a beautiful description of wisdom? It is skilful and godly and it brings knowledge and understanding. And we can only find it in God. The verse following this one is interesting: “The Lord hides away sound and godly Wisdom and stores it for the righteous …” It would seem like these two verses say different things; God gives wisdom, yet He hides it away. What could this mean?
We spoke about the mysteries of God that He has hidden like treasures in His Word and that they are hidden for us and from the enemy. This is to protect them. Wisdom is hidden in a safe place, and only those who diligently search for it in the Word will find it. “From His mouth …” confirms that God still speaks to His children, and if we really want to hear what He has to say about a situation or a decision, He will reveal His thoughts to us and we will find that we know what to do.
Prayer: Father of light, thank you for giving us skilful and godly wisdom. I need so much insight into everyday decisions. Please show me Your hidden treasures in Your Word so that I may receive the wisdom that I need for today. Amen.

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