Day 5 –Mosaic Covenant

“You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You know how I carried you on eagles wings and brought you to myself. Now if you will obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my own special treasure from among all the peoples on the earth, for all the earth belong to me.” Exodus 19:4-5
By far the most complicated covenant to understand in its relation to the covenant of grace is the Mosaic covenant (also known as the Sinaitic covenant). On account of its complexity, it is important to keep the following in mind: it is the foundation of our salvation morally cemented as the law.
Also, under the Mosaic covenant, huge strides are taken towards the covenant promise made to Abraham – a large number of families are constituted as a nation during the Exodus. There are four elements combined to make up the Mosaic covenant: the exodus, sealing of the old covenant, giving of the commandments, and the old covenant rituals.
In particular, the Mosaic covenant is the root setting for the covenant of grace to follow through Jesus Christ. God chose Israel through His covenant with Abraham. Nothing they did moved God to deliver them from Egypt. The Lord chose this nation out of His love, the same love by which he chose to create us and ultimately send His Son. Neither were the Israelites required to obey the Law for the Lord to save them… God rescued them first before revealing the law.
And just like Israel, God loves you first too.

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