Day 7 – Wrath

“And when Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence, than was Haman full of wrath” Esther 3:5

Wrath – A strong, vengeful anger and hatred towards another person.

151 results from the Old Testament pop up when you type wrath in the search bar of Strong’s Concordance. And most of the time it’s wrath describing God’s temperance towards Israel or the nations who stood against Israel and God’s plan for them. When we think of God’s wrath it sounds a lot more dangerous than when we think about our wrath. Somehow our wrath sounds like a little bad mood compared to a level 5, earth-level hurricane, raining fire on humanity. God’s wrath was because of the sins of Israel or the idol-worshipping nations standing in the way of His plan. It’s very well known that God forgave His chosen nation time after time. Though they disappointed Him more than we are actually aware of, He still send His only Son to redeem the sins of all His children.

Chemah Chema is the Hebrew word for Wrath. (Pronounced Khay-maw Khay-maw). Meaning fury, furious, displeasure, rage and anger.

Wrath is not just getting angry with someone. Wrath is a deeply rooted hatred towards someone which we choose not to forgive. We hold onto our feelings of rage and hatred and cause them to change our hearts into a bitter pit and because of our humanity to hold onto the desire not to forgive, we fuel the sin of wrath.

Wrath can also be from an underlying, deep-rooted panic or anxiety from the fear of not being accepted. So, we choose rather to hate and keep people away from us with our tempers before suffering anticipated rejection. Sadly, this is how most people are towards our Father. They would rather hate Him and be wrathful towards Him, His Word and His children than be rejected by God. Shame and guilt carefully webbed by the enemy make us think that God will reject us because of our sins. But this is far from the truth.

Prayer: Father, today I bring the underlying deep-rooted fear of rejection and unforgiveness that causes the desire to be wrathful, to Your feet. Please give me grace through Jesus to know that I am accepted and loved by You regardless of what I have done. Please guide me on a path of forgiveness towards those who hurt me deeply so I can forgive like You. Amen.