Day 8 – Words Attack: Lying

“Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and you lips from telling lies!” Psalm 34:13

Tall-tale, untruth, fib, fabricated story, fiction, white lie, inventive truth – it does not matter what you want to call it – a lie is a lie is a lie. You can sugar coat it as much as you like, even put a nice shiny, red cherry on top, the core will still be a lie.

According to Brandon Gaille Statistics, by the age of four, 90% of children have learned the concept of lying. Based on recent studies, it’s estimated that 60% of adults cannot have a ten-minute conversation without lying once! 80% of women admit to telling “harmless half-truths”. Unfortunately, the average person can only spot a lie about 50% of the time. The most common reason for lying is to save face, shift blame, avoid confrontation, get one’s way, to be nice and to make themselves feel better.

These are truly shocking results if we consider that Proverbs 6:16-19 mentions lying twice in the six things God hates!  Shouldn’t our words be used to build the Kingdom of Heaven, not offend God by saying things that He hates?

Prayer: Father, thank You for teaching us that You hate lying and to you it is speaking evil. Father, please forgive the lies that have left my lips and enhance my spirit of discernment to see the lies 100% of the time. Give me the wisdom to deal with them in a Godly manner. Amen.