Designer Idols – Day 6
“I have made no trouble for Israel,” Elijah replied. “You and your family are the troublemakers, for you have refused to obey the commands of the Lord and have worshiped the images of Baal instead.” 1 Kings 18:18 NLT
When I read about the Israelites worshiping idols, I tend to think of them developing a preference for wooden or stone idol images. But the primary attraction to Baal was not a pretty statue; it was the promise of blessings. Baal, “rider of the clouds” who brought the rains, blessing the earth. Oil rained from heaven, rivers ran rich with honey, healthy children were birthed, and even the dead could be raised.
At this point in history, the nation was in the third year of the drought. Not a single drop of rain or dew touched the land as Elijah prophesied to King Ahab. The nation was desperate. Little wonder, then, that when King Ahab chose to marry a woman from Baal territory, the Israel farmers built a house for this new god to welcome his promise of blessings. False blessings. False promises. False wealth.
“Whoever gives thought to the word will discover good, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.” Proverbs 16:20 ESV
It is our Father in Heaven’s privilege to bless His children how and when He deems appropriate. He does so not because we have been “good”. But because of His unfailing love for us. Our trust should be cemented in the One True God, Yahweh. To look to Him alone (and be thankful) for the blessings in our lives. This world is rich with false “blessing” promises. Ready to direct your worship from the One True God to designer idol worship of false promise.
Prayer: Father, I thank You for the countless blessings in my life. I know You provide for Your children and the blessings from Your hand are true and given with love. Open my eyes to the false promises I have been believing. Amen.
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