
My grandmother used to be so proud when she talked about the name Elizabeth. It’s been in our family for many generations, and therefore I can testify to the meaning of the name – My God is abundance (or more commonly known as My God is an oath).

But what’s the use of a name full of promise, if you have nothing to show for it? Because if you were a female, who lived a life of barrenness during the Biblical times, you were in for a hard time if your husband passed away. In today’s reading, we meet Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. But before the fulfillment of God’s promise to the childless Elizabeth, I can’t help but think that the greater part of Elizabeth’s existence felt unfruitful, and not only her womb. Her husband (Zacharias) was a priest at the temple, and that gave meaning to his life, but what about the empty void inside Elizabeth? The heartache she had to endure?

In verse 13 of Luke 1, Zacharias received a beautiful promise from God when we read “…your petition [in prayer] was heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son”. And just like that, their mourning turned into dancing. And their despair turned into a deep inner joy. For many years God knew what His perfect plan would look like, they only had to wait and see. “And we know with great confidence that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together for good for those who love God (Rom. 8:28 AMP)”.

Sometimes we pray heartfelt prayers, hoping God would hear us, and come and change our circumstances in an instant, and then it doesn’t happen. But just like Elizabeth’s prayer took years to reach the point of fulfillment, we need to passionately keep on praying. And as the saying goes “while you wait for God to open the next door, praise Him in the hallway!”

Because just like God fulfilled the prophecy to Elizabeth & Zacharias, every word spoken to us through a servant of God, has the power to be fulfilled in our lives. You only need to allow God to work and breathe through you, and hold on to your promise (Hebrews 10:23).

Written by Yolandi Wirth for Women of the Word

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